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Please fill it your address if you want our delivery services or else fill in zero at your address field (pick up at shop).
The system will calculate the delivery charge base on the State/City field.
Delivery Method
If you want to us delivery to your home (with additional charge), please fill in details address on your profile.
Payment method
Choose the payment method you prefer. We will add more payment method soon.
However, some payment method will take more time for us to received and make the delivery.
Email confirmation
Once received your order, our system will send you a confirmation email. Our team will call your contact phone number if we meet question on your order. You can sit back and relax if you received our confirmation email.
Receive your goods or services
Base on your choice on the delivery method, you should received your delighted products or service as mentioned in our shopping website. You can login shop.computing-age.com any time to check the order's status.
About Reward Points
You will receive 1 reward point on every $1000 of purchase each cart.
1 reward point equal to $5 of value. 20 reward points can convert to a $100 Voucher.
We only accept $100 Voucher on our website.
Converted Voucher only valid 1 year.
Reward points do not have a time limit.
(We do not suggest to convert reward point when it is under $100/ less than 20 reward points)